Living Room of the house is the most rushed out place of the house in daily routine as well as at gatherings. There for the decor of this section of house, should be gratified with more beautiful and exciting perspectives. And to begin with the decor of the living you should pick up a nicely crafted and stylish coffee table for this space. But let me tell you that the style does not relate to high cost and market made items. You can go really trendy and up to date in your furniture possession with pallet wood by having a keen peek into our ideas.
Even today we are going to make you witness a very ‘in’ fashion DIY euro pallet coffee table to make a great center piece for your living space. Euro pallets are quite good in quality and durability and can be purchased at a very low cost expenditure. Two pallet trimmed planks have been stacked over each other with dice section between to form this brilliant pallet coffee table. More advanced looks have been bestowed by inserting the wheels at the feet.

Made by: Piąty Element Upcykling