No matter what is our income we all have a deep desire to adore a fully decorated house with dreamy bedrooms, gorgeous living and stylish bathrooms. And to make a bathroom look beautiful bathroom furniture and accessories play a very important role. Pallets now offer you have a decor oriented bathroom without any dent in your pocket. Yes it’s true and to let you make believe more firmly we ask you to peek into this DIY pallet bathroom mirror and vanity which would create a traditional look of your bath zone full of rustic charm and character.
To add icing on the cake we have to tell you that you can perform this bathroom remodeling of your own as pallets are so easy and handy to be treated with tools. Pallet slats have been used to form the mirror frame as well as the vanity with a lot of storage cabinets to hold your toiletries. Stained in dark cocoa shade the vanity and the mirror look traditional to the core to let your bathroom vanity shine with rusticity.

Made by: Dodofish Pallets